E fia pusi e mafai ona fanauina e se pusi: o a mea e iloa ai le numera
Mataupu Faavae

E fia pusi e mafai ona fanauina e se pusi: o a mea e iloa ai le numera

“How many kittens can give birth to a cat? – for sure this question interested sooner or later many cat owners. Especially those who plans to get offspring from pets. In fact, this moment is destined depend from many factors. Let’s talk about them in this article for more details.

Maximum or minimum: what better

According to statistical data, the average cat able to give birth at once about 6 to 8 kids. Of course it is approximate data, and they may vary. So, the minimum is the birth one kitten or two.

It is generally accepted that the number of more than 8 is already a lot, a kind of start of the maximum. There are cases when pregnancy ended with 14 and 15 kittens, and healthy! But the maximum record in this regard belongs to a Burmese cat from Argentina, who continued her family with 19 kittens at once! True, unfortunately, not all of them were born alive – 4 did not survive. Therefore, in fact, there were still 15 of them.

И hence the question arises – which is preferable? Of course everything very individual. So, at least bad because:

  • If usually the cat gave more offspring, and then gave birth to only one baby, which means her health under attack. In this case, you should show animal to the veterinarian.
  • Than less fruits, the more they can be in size. But a large fruit get stuck in the birth canal. It is possible in such cases, even a caesarean section.
  • When kitten one or two of them, the cat does not have the opportunity get rid of all your milk. It simply remains unclaimed. And this, as in people, often provokes mastitis.

В also taimi, and too many kittens also has its negative consequences:

  • Before In general, it will be difficult for a cat to feed them. After all, let’s not forget that The number of nipples in cats is limited. In this case, you must connect owner, acquiring artificial special meals. It is, by the way, not cheap.
  • Some part of the brood may be born unviable. Unfortunately this the risk is much greater than infertile pregnancies. Of course, better get some kittens but healthy than many, but weak.
  • Than the more fruit a cat bears, the more higher risk of complications during pregnancy. So, you can often hear about cases removal of the uterus and appendages after similar births.

In a word, as in many other things, the so-called “golden mean” is also important here. Of course, a person is not able to 100% control the result. However, he will be able to predict something, and this will be discussed later.

E fia pusi e mafai ona fanauina e se pusi: o a mea e iloa ai le numera

How many kittens can giving birth to a cat: on what factors does it depend number

А Now let’s see what factors depends on the number of kittens that can give birth to a cat in one go:

  • In the question of how many kittens a cat can give birth to, genetics is of no small importance. If the mother of a pregnant pet brought, for example, usually 6 cubs, then this cat will most likely give birth to the same number. And if the offspring was limited to one kitten or two, then you should not expect a multiple pregnancy.
  • Breed is also usually affected. So, outbred individuals usually give numerous offspring. Even if a mongrel cat lives at home, it will still bring, most likely, many kittens. The fact is that it is in her genes – offspring living in yard conditions often die. So it needs to be numerous. But thoroughbred cats, on the contrary, bring fewer kittens. So, a British cat can give birth to up to 5 cubs, a Scottish fold – up to 4, a Siamese – up to 7, a sphinx – up to 8. In a word, such animals rarely cross the line of maximum fertility.
  • Experience in labor is also important. So, for the first time, cats usually do not give birth to many cubs. As a rule, a maximum of 3 of them are born. And all because the reproductive system has not fully developed, because the first
  • often occurs at a young age. But it is desirable that it does not occur before the age of one. In subsequent times, the animal can already bring more offspring. But until about the seventh mating. Then, according to some experts, the volume of offspring may decrease.
  • The mating experience of the male is also important. If he fertilizes more than 4 females a year, then, most likely, special fertility of ladies as a result of such a union should not be expected.
  • You can also observe how many nipples the expectant mother has. It is believed that the number of cubs is unlikely to exceed this figure. But in fact, this landmark is very arbitrary – as we have already understood, there are also very prolific individuals.
  • But it should also be taken into account that a late-bearing cat is unlikely to give a large offspring. It is more likely that it will be one kitten or two. But in general, it is advisable for older ladies over 8 years old not to give birth at all, since they can easily undermine their health in this way. And an older male is unlikely to be able to fertilize a female normally.
  • The size of the expectant mother also influences. Miniature cats tend to produce fewer kittens. And even in the prime of life. And vice versa. However, it is important to consider here that well-fed cats also rarely give birth to many babies – sometimes it is even difficult for them to get pregnant due to excessive weight.
  • Not everyone knows, but a cat can give birth to many kittens if she has several matings with different cats! The body of this animal works in such a way that it may well bear offspring from different fathers at the same time.
  • Oddly enough, even the temperament of the male affects! It is believed that the more temperamental he is, the better fertilization will occur. Sometimes it happens that a cat is simply not attracted to a cat, even if she is completely healthy and is in heat. In this case, you need to look for another partner for her.
  • Health is a very important indicator, regardless of gender. If the male has problems with him, the offspring is unlikely to be numerous. First of all, we are talking, of course, about problems with the reproductive system, hormonal levels. Although various stresses, infections also decently undermine health.
  • And good health without proper nutrition will not be formed. The better the diet of an animal, the more healthy and numerous its offspring will be. Nature has provided everything in such a way that weak animals cannot multiply abundantly.

Как can be understood, offspring all seals are different, its number depends on many factors. And some owners even manage to control this number, treating pets various vitamin supplements. But The last one is a very controversial one. Therefore, it is better to build on the natural cat predisposition.

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