Aisea na faatagaina ai le teine ​​e ave le taifau i totonu o le potu tipitipi?
Mataupu Faavae

Aisea na faatagaina ai le teine ​​e ave le taifau i totonu o le potu tipitipi?

Kaylyn Krawczyk from North Carolina (state in the eastern United States) is only 7 years old, the girl suffers from a rare disease – mastocytosis. Signs of this disease are sudden attacks of suffocation, swelling, rashes, other dangerous symptoms similar to allergic ones, which can be fatal. And the reasons why they suddenly appear are not clear. Predicting when the next attack will occur and how it will end is very difficult. Doctors decided to have a kidney operation in order to find out why the same infection occurs again and again. But doctors feared that an allergic reaction could occur with the introduction of anesthesia. And given the girl’s illness, it could be very dangerous.


That is why the doctors took an unusual step. There was a dog in the operating room at the Medical University of North Carolina! It was a terrier, the pet of the Keilin family. The fact is that the dog has undergone special training. He feels when his little mistress may have another allergic attack and warns about it. For example, with mild symptoms, the dog begins to spin, and with serious danger, it barks loudly. In the operating room, the dog also gave warning signs several times. For the first time, he twirled in place when Cailin was injected with anesthesia. Indeed, the doctors who performed the operation confirmed that the drug can cause allergies. The latest electronic devices showed no changes in the girl’s body. And the dog quickly calmed down.


Once again, JJ got a little worried when the girl was taken out of anesthesia. But just like the first time, he quickly sat down. The doctors were satisfied with the unusual experiment. According to Brad Teicher, it would be unforgivable not to use the capabilities of the dog. And although the operation took place under the strict supervision of specialists and using the latest technical devices, the dog’s skills were a good safety net. Moreover, no one feels his mistress better than Jay Jay. He is constantly with her for the whole 18 months.


Two and a half years ago, the girl had the most faithful and devoted friend. The terrier was adopted from a shelter, and he underwent special training at the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Paws center. She trained the dog and taught various commands to trainer Deb Cunningham. But even she did not expect that the results of the training would be so stunning. JJ always warns the girl’s parents about the danger. And they manage to prevent seizures. The dog feels Cailin like no one else!


Even the dog itself knows how to get antihistamine medicines from the locker.

Michelle Krawczyk, Kaylin’s mother, admits that with the advent of JJ, their lives have changed a lot. If earlier dangerous attacks happened to the daughter several times a year, then after the dog settled in their house, the disease seriously reminded of itself only once.


The girl herself is madly in love with her dog, considers him the smartest and most beautiful in the world.

All the time while Cailin was in the clinic, her beloved JJ was next to her.

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